Content Warning And Sensitivity Notes
This play has dark themes.
A Streetcar Named Desire revolves around a lot of dark themes, which should be given the grace and sensitivity they deserve. Some of these themes include domestic violence, grooming of minors, misogyny, general abusive behaviors and realistic portrayals of these relationships, sexual coercion, and rape. I have chosen to not go into detail about these sections of the text both on this website and in my presentation, as I feel neither environment is suited for frank discussion of these ideas in the way a private rehearsal may be.
In order for the play to deal with these topics sensitively, it must not sensationalize these topics and deal with them with care. Please include sensitivity and intimacy coordinators when dealing with Streetcar, especially as some of the violence is shown onstage. Please also ensure that adequate sensory and content warning labels are given throughout both the program and the physical space of the theatre. Ideally, there would be a 'cool down room' area theatregoers may retreat too if the action becomes too intense for them to witness.
Further note: You will all be given a Kahoot on this site, which is why I asked you to remember as much as you could about it. The Kahoot will range from information about Streetcar to minor details about the site.